Saturday, June 25, 2005

What Digital Art is?

Today, I was chatting with a nice young lady, I just met. Out of curiosity " What Digital Art is?" She said, I shared my definition. This is the result of this interesting meeting, then, I said to myself, Wow! What a "brilliant idea" for entry blog. Many may be intersting on learning a bit more about Digital Art. This is an interesting subject, besides I'm familiar with it, Why not post an entry to discuss What Digital Art is? This is the general definition I found online:
What Digital Art is?
Branch of the electronic arts that takes place or it is assisted by digital means, like digital painting, digital or digitized photography, modeling, digital video, animation, interactive programs and web pages

by jossie fresco

by jossie fresco

by Jossie Fresco

by Jossie Fresco

Specially I'd like to discuss Digital Painting

Digital Painting; Digital Painting is created on a computer in digital form. The followings are examples of art computer generated as well the use of various software graphic applications were used to create these pieces



