Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Ancient and Medieval Architecture

Architecture is the art of building. Sometimes people build small buildings like sheds or their own houses. Other times people build very large buildings. These are sometimes temples or churches for the gods, or tombs for important kings or heroes, or palaces for kings and queens, or public buildings like theaters or sports stadiums.

ancient housing

The first houses were built around 7000 BC in West Asia, but the first big buildings were built much later, around 3000 BC. In West Asia the first big buildings were the ziggurats, and in Africa, in Egypt they were the Pyramids.


A little later on, about 1800 BC, both the Egyptians and the Babylonians began to build big royal palaces, richly decorated. Soon the people of Crete and Greece began to imitate these palaces for their own kings and queens. In Egypt, the Pharaohs also built big temples for their gods.

egyptian temple

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Is interior design for you?

Interior designers need to be creative, imaginative and artistic. They also need to be disciplined, organized and skilled business people. Combining aesthetic vision with practical skills and knowledge, interior designers work with clients to develop design solutions that are "aesthetically appealing, technically sophisticated and pragmatically satisfying"



Areas of Design Specialization

Designers work in a wide range of settings, both commercial and residential. Surveys indicate that a majority of designers practice at least part of the time in both the residential and commercial areas, although they tend to favor one or the other. Because commercial designers must be knowledgeable about their clients' business needs, most concentrate within design specialties, such as designing for the hospitality or health care industries. Some restrict themselves to particular subspecialties, for example, designing restaurants or residential kitchens and baths. A few work in highly specialized fields, like designing interiors for airplanes or yachts, or doing historic conservation or restoration.



Skills for Success

As members of a service profession, interior designers' fortunes depend on their ability to satisfy clients. Thus, they must possess three important skill sets-artistic and technical skills, interpersonal skills and management skills

* Designers must know how to plan a space and how to render that plan visually, so that it can be conveyed to the client.
* Designers must be comfortable meeting and dealing with many kinds of people. They must communicate clearly and effectively, as well as be attentive listeners
* Designers must have excellent time and project management skills, since they frequently work on more than one project at a time, under demanding deadlines, while looking for new projects or clients.
* Designers must be able to develop and execute business plans in order to protect and grow their practices. They need to know


Thursday, October 14, 2004

What is a Black Hole?

What is a Black Hole and can I see one in the sky? You may see one on the sky if you've Xray vision. No, you can't see one in the sky. Black Hole is the
result of the death of a star several times the mass of our sun.
The center of the star collapses and suddenly releases a tremendous
amount of energy. This release of energy causes the outer part of
the star to be blown into space in what is called a supernova explosion..
This explosions release so much energy that a supernova in a distance
galaxy can out shine the billions of star in the galaxy .

Stellar- Black Hole

Chandra Black Hole

The very center of the star collapses into what can only be described
as something smaller than a point with no dimensions. A region called
an event surrounds this dimensionless singularity. The singularity diesters
the space around it so much that anything that falls into the black hole's
events horizon because the escape velocity is greater than the 186,000 miles
per second speed of light. Since the speed of light is the fastest speed than
anything can travel, not even light can escape a black hole. That's why a
black hole is black.

If you have any questions, I would like to invite you to visit these sites where your question may will be answered


By by Matt McIrvin

Black Hole

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Sunday, October 03, 2004

Interior Design as a Career

Interior designers need to be creative, imaginative and artistic. They also need to be disciplined, organized and skilled business people. Combining aesthetic vision with practical skills and knowledge, interior designers work with clients to develop design solutions that are "aesthetically appealing, technically sophisticated and pragmatically satisfying."

Room layout

as a career

Why red makes people hungry?. Interior designers make a room. They transform it with color, furniture placement, accessories — and generally work their magic. They are also specialists in combining form and function. Restaurants can be designed to be austere and upscale or regal and formal. Beautiful upholstered chairs here. A wall of red to enhance the appetite and create visual interest there.

Red interior design

Red interior design01

At the School of design you'll gain a strrong foundation in the basics. includingdrawing perpective proportion and color computer aid drawing (CAD)aids you in planning recsidencial and comercial spaces. The Study of architecture ergonomics, fabrics and other materials are also are also part of your cousework.
Mail Art at
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Friday, September 17, 2004

Interior Design...

Interior design is
the art or practice of planning and supervising the design and execution of architectural interiors and their furnishings as well I can say in a simple another simple way:planning and design of man-made spaces, a part of environmental design and closely related to architecture.
What is interior design?
the total creative solution for a programmed interior. It encompasses the conceptual planning aesthetic and technical solutions applied to achieve the desired result. A "programmed interior" means intended purpose or use of the built environment.

Think"Modular" Modulares are best for people who live in condos and other places where space might be an issue, a modular piece will. Instead of wasting a corner space, it can tie elements together and give you that extra space you need storage feature and stablishing a focal point for the room, are two ways to make the most of a small living space"plce saving"

Thek house House boat, Designer Louis Shuster, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, bought a fifteen year old houseboat "in a deplorable condition" over a year ago and decided to convert it into studios and offices for their practice on the lower level, with a home for Shuster on the upper level. The result is a unique composite of the firm's office, domestic and nautical design skills.

interior design

interior design

Many factors come to play in formulating the design solotion. There is space itself-its dimentions and construction-with its potential and its limitations, There is how the space will be used -for work or leisure, entertainment or worship, healing or learning. Therre is the meraning of space, what it signifies-be it power, authority, security, windom, access, amount of light acoustics, seating and places to store or set things down . There are health and safety considerations, attention to special needs and more.
Interior Design: Funtion Mood and hormony

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Modern Art:(Paul Cezanne)

Some call him the father of Modern Art. After fifty years of the most radical change in art from images to free abstraction, Cezanne's paintings, wich looks old-fasioned today in its attachments to nuture,mantains itself fresh and stimulating to young painters of our time. He has produced no school, buthe has given and impulse directly or indirectly to almost every new movement since he died. His power to excite artist of different tendency and temperanment os due, I think, to the fact that he realized with equal fullness so many different size of his art.It has often been true leading modern painters that they developed a single idea with great force.


May I repeat what I have told you here:
treat nature by means of the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, everything brought into proper perspective so that each side of an object or a plane is directed towards a central point. Lines parallel to the horizon give breadth... lines perpendicular to this horizon give depth. But nature for us men is more depth than surface, whence the need to introduce into our light vibrations, represented by the reds and yellows, a sufficient amount of blueness to give the feel of air."

Paul Cézanne to Emile Bernard, 15 April,1904
beam me

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Abstract Expressionism: Centered in New York from 1946 through the 1960's, is a form of art in which the artist expresses himself purely through the use of form and color. However great a disaster World War II was, at least something important happened. In leaving Europe for the safety of the USA, artists such as: Piet Mondrian, Max Ernst, greatly extended their artistic influence.

Piet Mondrian

Max Ernst
In the 1940s and 50s, for the first time, American artists became internationally important with their new vision and new artistic vocabulary known as Abstract Expressionism.
Now considered to be the first American artistic movement of world wide importance, this movement put New York in the forefront, replacing Paris as the center of the art world. The term was originally used to describe the work of Archille Gorky and Jackson Pollock.



The painters who came to be called"Abstract Expressionists" shared a similarity of outlook rather than style--an outlook characterized by a spirit of revolt and a belief in freedom of expression. The main exponents of the genre were Pollock, De Kooning, and Rothko, but other artists include Philip Guston, Franz Kline, Newman and Still. The Term Abstract Expressionism was first used by Robert Coates in the March issue of The New Yorker in 1936. The movement was hugely successful, partly due to the efforts of the critics Harold Rosenberg and Clement Greenberg, who also originated the terms Action Painting and American Style.


Franz Kline


Sunday, August 01, 2004

"Eagle Nebula"

Eagle Nebula
From afar, the whole thing looks like an Eagle. A closer look at the Eagle Nebula, however, shows the bright region is actually a window into the center of a larger dark shell of dust. Through this window, a brightly-lit workshop appears where a whole open cluster of stars is being formed. In this cavity tall pillarsand round globules of dark dust and cold molecular gas remain where stars are still forming. Already visible are several young bright blue stars whose light and winds are burning away and pushing back the remaining filaments and walls of gas and dust. The Eagle emission nebula, tagged M16, lies about 6500 .gov/docs/Starlight years away, spans about 20 light-years, and is visible with binoculars toward the constellation of Serpens. The above picture combines three specific emitted colors and was taken with the 0.9-meter telescope on Kitt Peak, Arizona, USA.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Sugar my beautiful 2 years old Shih Tzu

Sugar, is my sweet precious pet. A year old Shih-TZu, her noble Chinese ancestry as a hightly value, prized companion and palace pet. She is a delightful puppy to have and to care for.Sugar is a sturdy, lively, alert puppy by nature. She is my best friend!

The silky Sugar is sweet and playful puppy, she also get her little spunk now and then. She is not afraid to stand up for herself though she usually behave well, she as well get along with strangers after a while of her first contact.

Finally, She is has a distinctively arrogant carriage with head well up and tail curved over her back. She is also capable to be a good watch dog. This breed was first recognize by AKC in 1969.

email me

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Scientists, cosmologists, astrophysicists, see the universe as a world of stellar beauty full of wonders. They've more questions then are answers. The universe is a stunning, and puzzling in its beauty of divine power of heavenly creation, I would say mostly everyone, and scholars alike have questions about what they see in the sky. The answers may vary depending on the philosophical, and creative knowledge of the individual.

When I see a pictures have been taken by Hubble, seeing these breathtaking photographs of the universe, always amazed me. The Hubble
telescope is one of the most powerful of its kind, and is needed to appreciate the hidden beauty the universe offers.


I find these galaxies photograpgs are in the heaven so incredibly beautiful. Even though some of these galaxies are million , and millions of light years away from our galaxy, are counter-part of this milky way galaxy.


Young galaxy Furthermore there are some galaxies they haven't been discovered yet never the less exist. When I see these heavenly bodies incredible images. I always think about Professor Hawking's statement that goes something like this: "My goal is simple, it is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exits at all"

Photos by NASA.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

History of Modern Art

The history of Modern Paintingpart II, if you have read the previous entries in this blog you already know it has been discussed -- Cubism and Futurism two different periods of Modern painting lead to --
The reunion of conscious and unconscious realms of experience so complete that the world of dream and fantasy be joined to the everyday rational world. It Flourished in Europe between World Wars I and II. Sigmund Freud one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century has the theory that an absolute world of reality, a surreality, will joined together in everyday life, from which Andre Breton, French poet, critic, leader of Surrealism movement, saw the unconscious as wellspring of the imagination. He defined genius in terms of accessibility to this normally untapped realm which he believed could be attained by poets and artist alike. Here are some of the painters of the Surrealism movement:

Jean Arp
Rene Magritte,
Andre Masson,


yves Tanguy,

Paul Delvaux

Joan Miro

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Thursday, May 20, 2004

Futurism: Modern Art movement that follows Cubism movement. Its first manifesto took place in Italy in the beginning of the 1900s by the Italian, Felippo tommaso Marinetti. It didn't appear until the end of World war I. Visual art, music, and literature marked the efforts that would give its formal expression and mechanical processes to futurism painting. This painter was concerned with expressing movement in his paintings. This idea was taken up by Marcel Duchamp that

Posted by Hello along with others painters: Giacomo Bella; Umberto Boccioni Carlo Carra; Gino Severini, they thought that art was a machine on motion

Posted by Hello
boccioni Posted by Hello