Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Modern Art Movement (Cubism)

Cubism is an important movement of the history of Modern Art it began on the early 19th century.


Picasso introduced to us a new style called Cubism. The painting Les Demoiselles D' Avignon was the first example of this new style. Many other artists: Georges Braque; Albert Gleizes; Juan Gris; Fernand Leger; Jean Metziger, and sculptors Alexander Archipenko; Henri Laurenns contributed to the Cubism movement. Picasso and Braque were the pioneers to this period in the history of Modern Art.

I would like to suggest to go to this excellent sites and Cubism image Bank to learn more about it.

"We all know the Art is not truth. Art is a lie that make us realize the truth, at least the truth is given to us to understand" (Pablo Picasso)