Saturday, May 29, 2004

History of Modern Art

The history of Modern Paintingpart II, if you have read the previous entries in this blog you already know it has been discussed -- Cubism and Futurism two different periods of Modern painting lead to --
The reunion of conscious and unconscious realms of experience so complete that the world of dream and fantasy be joined to the everyday rational world. It Flourished in Europe between World Wars I and II. Sigmund Freud one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century has the theory that an absolute world of reality, a surreality, will joined together in everyday life, from which Andre Breton, French poet, critic, leader of Surrealism movement, saw the unconscious as wellspring of the imagination. He defined genius in terms of accessibility to this normally untapped realm which he believed could be attained by poets and artist alike. Here are some of the painters of the Surrealism movement:

Jean Arp
Rene Magritte,
Andre Masson,


yves Tanguy,

Paul Delvaux

Joan Miro

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