Photography Basics
"Camera Settings"
Having a point and shoot and a a SLR Digital cameras.
I found out they have many of the same settings.
Understanding these setting and how they work is one of the fundamentals of photography.
I'm learning that without of this knowledge I will never be able to take my shots to the next level that custom setting offer, one of my critical mistake a made a the beginning was use the auto modes on my cameras of course I learned it is fine for simple snapshots, actual photography requires much more than that.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Art of photography
Photography is the Art science and practice of creating pictures by recording radiation using mediums such as photography film, and electronic image sensors
Friday, March 07, 2008
Point of View in Photography
Point of view in photography simply means the position from which the camera sees the scene. Are you looking down or up on the subject? How close are you to the subject? Is there anything between you and the subject? Every decision you make about point of view will change how your viewer sees the photo.
Regardless of what point of view you chose when taking a photo, remember the power of juxtaposition. Shooting a subject from an "unexpected" angle will have more impact than the viewing angle encountered in every day life. For example, looking up at an ant will have much more visual impact than looking down on an ant. Or an eye-level shot of a bird is much more powerful than looking up a bird in a tree.
Becoming the Subject
A powerful point of view is becoming the subject. This means that you shoot the photo from the angle of the subject. For example, a shot of surgery shown as though you were looking through the surgeon's eyes (patient and surgeon's hands visible but not the surgeon's face/body). These shots allow the viewer to feel like they are experiencing the event first hand.
Shooting From Eye Level
Shooting a photo from eye level of the subject is the quickest way to help your viewers connect emotionally with a photo subject. By literally putting the subject on "their level" you create an instinctual response because usually only other people of the same age are at roughly eye level with a person. This means that our instinctual response to a subject of eye level is to personify that subject even if it is not human.
read More
Regardless of what point of view you chose when taking a photo, remember the power of juxtaposition. Shooting a subject from an "unexpected" angle will have more impact than the viewing angle encountered in every day life. For example, looking up at an ant will have much more visual impact than looking down on an ant. Or an eye-level shot of a bird is much more powerful than looking up a bird in a tree.
Becoming the Subject
A powerful point of view is becoming the subject. This means that you shoot the photo from the angle of the subject. For example, a shot of surgery shown as though you were looking through the surgeon's eyes (patient and surgeon's hands visible but not the surgeon's face/body). These shots allow the viewer to feel like they are experiencing the event first hand.
Shooting From Eye Level
Shooting a photo from eye level of the subject is the quickest way to help your viewers connect emotionally with a photo subject. By literally putting the subject on "their level" you create an instinctual response because usually only other people of the same age are at roughly eye level with a person. This means that our instinctual response to a subject of eye level is to personify that subject even if it is not human.
read More
Monday, February 04, 2008
Photography 101
Although I am not a professional photographer; I love take picture when ever I have free time to be a turist in the city, I do really enjoy taking pictures, would like to share some of my personal notes, little photography knowledge.
Photography is a great hobby for a person of any age, background or ability. With Today's technology, all you need to get started is a basic digital camera. Although I would recommend a minimum of 6 mega pixels.
After purchasing your camera it is important to thoroughly read the enclosed manual as many times you needed and understand the basic controls and the camera's capabilities, very important to learn your cam's controls. Now, you are to start taking pictures.
First step as a photographer should be to check camera settings. Next, decide on your subject matter. start visualizing your composition. Figure out how to bring all the components together to take a good picture.
Photographers specialize in several different areas; such as landscapes, marinescapes, wildlife and portrait work. The lighting and camera controls will be slightly different for each of these. First I would recommend playing with composition. There are several rules in taking a good picture.
Basic camera controls
A brief overview of all the major digital camera controls,
recommendations about which settings to use in various shooting scenarios. May want to have your camera manual handy so that you can confirm whether your camera offers a particular option, and if so, how you activate that feature.
Image Resolution
The resolution control determines the number of pixels that your camera uses to produce a picture. Some digicams offer tree or more options.
The term megapixel means one million pixels. if you multiply 2288×1712 pixels, you get roughly 3.9 million pixels, or 3.9 megapixels which can round up to 4 megapixels.
Compression is a bit of software manipulation done to reduce the file size of a digital image.
Compression enables you to fit more pictures into your available camera memory. Be aware, however, that the more compression you apply, the more you sacrifice image quality.
As is the case with a low-resolution image, a highly compressed image may appear only slightly degraded if printed at a small size and on uncoated paper stock.
Creative Impact
With film imagine, you know that the larger the film negative, the more you can enlarge the photo without losing sharpness and detail.
You can make a similar connection between pixel count and print size. The more pixels you capture, the larger you can print your photo without a noticeable loss of quality.
Manual exposure controls.
When you take a picture, three camera components affect exposure:
The aperture is an iris in the lens that can be adjusted in size to control how muh light enters through the lens. Aperture size is represented by f-numbers and written with the letter f followed by a slash and the f-number–for example, f/2.8 The higher the f-number, the smaller the aperture size. The aperture settings themselves are referred to as f-stops.
Shutter speed,:
The shutter is like a window shade behind the camera lens. When you take a picture, the shutter opens briefly to allow light to enter through the lens and strike the camera’s image sensor. Shutter speed refers to how long the shutter remains open. The slower the shutter speed, the more light the sensor soaks up.
ISO rating:
ISO ratings are used to indicate the light sensitivity of the image sensor. The higher the ISO number, the greater the light sensitivity, and the less light is required to expose the image.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
New York's Architecture Series:
International Plaza
International Plaza:
A World Class Office Tower
Premier Location, Located steps from Park Avenue in Manhattan's Plaza District.
International Plaza is an outstanding world-class office and retail tower designed by world renowned architect Helmut Jahn. Situated across the street from Bloomingdales and Bloomberg's new world headquarters, International Plaza is steps away from a vast number of world class points of interest, hotels, restaurants, and elegant shops.
The main lobby, entered on East 59th Street, is a powerful composition of glass, marble and granite. Staffed by round-the-clock security personnel, it is a striking 30' high area, topped by a backlit atrium. 8 elevators serve the 31 floors.
Offering unparalleled security, state-of-the-art mechanical systems, and all of the first-class amenities imaginable, International Plaza is a rare business environment in a class by itself.
A World Class Office Tower
Premier Location, Located steps from Park Avenue in Manhattan's Plaza District.
International Plaza is an outstanding world-class office and retail tower designed by world renowned architect Helmut Jahn. Situated across the street from Bloomingdales and Bloomberg's new world headquarters, International Plaza is steps away from a vast number of world class points of interest, hotels, restaurants, and elegant shops.
The main lobby, entered on East 59th Street, is a powerful composition of glass, marble and granite. Staffed by round-the-clock security personnel, it is a striking 30' high area, topped by a backlit atrium. 8 elevators serve the 31 floors.
Offering unparalleled security, state-of-the-art mechanical systems, and all of the first-class amenities imaginable, International Plaza is a rare business environment in a class by itself.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
New York Architecture' Series:
Astor Place Tower
Pictures and a brieg history of some of buildings in New York City. There are many interesting buildings in the city. These are some of the ones i really like. I would like to continue with
The Astor Place Tower
This residential condominium tower is one of the most distinctive in the city.
Built in 2006
39 Apartments
21 Floors
Located in the heart of one of downtown's most eclectic and culturally enriched neighborhoods, amid landmarks that include The Public Theater and The Cooper Union, Astor Place at 445 Lafayette Street is an unprecedented Sculpture for Living designed by two of America's most renowned modern architects, Charles Gwathmey and Robert Siegel.
Pictures and a brieg history of some of buildings in New York City. There are many interesting buildings in the city. These are some of the ones i really like. I would like to continue with
This residential condominium tower is one of the most distinctive in the city.
Built in 2006
39 Apartments
21 Floors
Located in the heart of one of downtown's most eclectic and culturally enriched neighborhoods, amid landmarks that include The Public Theater and The Cooper Union, Astor Place at 445 Lafayette Street is an unprecedented Sculpture for Living designed by two of America's most renowned modern architects, Charles Gwathmey and Robert Siegel.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Urban life in 1st century Roman cities
Two thousand years ago, at the dawn of the first century, the world was ruled from Rome.
From England to Africa and from Syria to Spain, one in every four people on earth lived and died under Roman law.
Roman cities Roman city is basically composed by a number of identical components, were planned with two major streets running East –West and North-South intersecting at the forum, which was the center of commerce in the city
The forum was made with two Insular put together. There are a few temples in the Forum. They are the temples of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. The other side of the forum was a place to meet for people.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
New York's Architecture Series:
Flatiron Building
Pictures and a brief history of some of buildings in New York City. There are many interesting buildings in the city. These are some of the ones i really like. I would like to start with The Fuller Building known as Flatiron Building
Will try to post good pics.
Flatiron Building 

The Fuller Building or as it is better known, the Flatiron Building, is in the borough of Manhattan, and was one of the tallest buildings in New York City upon its completion in 1902. The building, at 175 Fifth Avenue, sits on a triangular island block at 23rd Street, Fifth Avenue, and Broadway, facing Madison Square.
Pictures and a brief history of some of buildings in New York City. There are many interesting buildings in the city. These are some of the ones i really like. I would like to start with The Fuller Building known as Flatiron Building
Will try to post good pics.
The Fuller Building or as it is better known, the Flatiron Building, is in the borough of Manhattan, and was one of the tallest buildings in New York City upon its completion in 1902. The building, at 175 Fifth Avenue, sits on a triangular island block at 23rd Street, Fifth Avenue, and Broadway, facing Madison Square.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
New "Wonders Of The World"
Interesting enough, we have New Wonders of the world...The Great Wall of China, Petra in Jordan and Brazil's statue of Christ the Redeemer are among the modern-day seven wonders of the world chosen in a poll of 100 million online voters, organizers said on Saturday.
Enjoy the Photo gallary
Enjoy the Photo gallary
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Access 2.0 Accesible Digital Life
I found a blog may be helpfull to you. Check it out?
Is your digital life limited by bad web access? Gizmos, gadgets, toys and bad interne experience tinclusivity Paul Crichton has a blog you need to see it for yourself.
Gizmos, Gadgets and toys
On the same note, i have found other sites can be useful to you, worth while to visit them:
Box of Chocalates
Is your digital life limited by bad web access? Gizmos, gadgets, toys and bad interne experience tinclusivity Paul Crichton has a blog you need to see it for yourself.
Gizmos, Gadgets and toys
On the same note, i have found other sites can be useful to you, worth while to visit them:
Box of Chocalates
Neutron Stars Spew Like Black Holes
Image: NASA/CXC/U. of Wisc/S. Heinz et al.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Physics promises wireless power
The tangle of cables and plugs I've in my work station, it is way to messy, I really fix up every week. Somehow it must be done every week. All my machinery wouldn't work with out all these cables and plugs needed to recharge today's electronic gadgets that i have in my station. Could soon be a thing of the past. It would very awesome!
Read more
Friday, May 11, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
image by
Chinese space technology is threatening United States space superiority.Here it is another interesting article about spaceWho will win?
Chinese space technology is threatening United States space superiority.Here it is another interesting article about spaceWho will win?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Astronomers Create 3D Map of Dark Matter
As you know one of my favorite subjects is the universe. This new advance exploration of the universe had accomplished the mapping of the black matter. It is very intriguing
Astronomers have mapped the positions of vast, invisible isles of dark matter in the sky, within which normal "bright" matter galaxies are embedded like glittering gems. The three-dimensional map[image] spans not only space, but also time, and stretches back to when the universe was only about half its present age.Learn more
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Will space save the race?
A follow up story of professor Hawking, Professor Hawking sparks debate on humans' future on Earth.
Professor Hawking
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Human Colonization of Other Planets...
Professor Hawking " The survival of the human race depends on its ability to find new homes elsewhere in the universe". Wow, what a statement, very interesting for Stephen Hawking to say we need to find housing on other planets such Mars, not to memtioned next door The Moon.

Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking
Friday, June 09, 2006
No Tolls on The Internet
I don't know exactly this ranks on the ultimate scale of importance, but to me, it ranks VERY high. Read it now. Contact your senator.
No Tolls on The Internet
No Tolls on The Internet
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Hitching a Ride Out of a Gluttonous Black Hole
Are you facinate about black hole. Here is a very Interesting Article
Watch a video onadvances technology
Spinning Black Hole. Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss
Watch a video onadvances technology
Spinning Black Hole. Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Black Hole Puts Dent In Space-time
As you know, friends of the blog. I'm interested on Black holes and its discoveries. Her we have the latest news about this amazing phenomenal

by hobar_blakhole -- Black Hole Puts Dent In Space-time
by hobar_blakhole
A spinning black hole in the constellation Scorpius has created a stable dent in the fabric of spacetime, scientists say.
scorpion | dg_blakhole | -- Black Hole Puts Dent In Space-time
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
History of oil painting
The history of oil paint.
I think first of all, we, need to learn about oil paint to be able to understand the process of oil painting
The oldest Mediterranean civilization, Greek, Roman or Egyptian have extensively used painting techniques based on mixtures of encaustic (probably rich in bee wax), mineral pigments (iron, copper, manganese oxides) and tempera. Vegetal oils, such as flax, walnut or poppyseed oil were known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks or Romans, but no precise indication of their use in painting may be found. Learn and read more about oils
Oil paints are one of the great classic media. Although the technique of oil painting, as it is used today (with some modifications), was brought to life in Europe in the 15th century by Jan van Eyck, the art of mixing oils and pigment was around during the Greek civilization. Da Vinci, Titian and then Ruben continued to hone the recipe, each bringing improvements to the technique and formula, with each generation of painters adding to its richness. Learn more about art
A Brief History of Oil Painting

Paintings are the products of a certain time and certain place, and art history naturally attempts to place these works in their larger setting. Anyone studying western art, for example, will learn to recognize the styles of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern periods, and to understand the complex interplay of thought, patronage, society and economic issues that the paintings represent. It is to such an understanding that art critics refer when they insist that art today must engage with contemporary issues.source
Learn more about Oil painting Techniques
The History, Definitions, and Techniques
of Oil Painting
Interested on oil painting want to lear more about oil painting hrere are some useful links...
Wanna learn more?
Free art lessons
I think first of all, we, need to learn about oil paint to be able to understand the process of oil painting
The oldest Mediterranean civilization, Greek, Roman or Egyptian have extensively used painting techniques based on mixtures of encaustic (probably rich in bee wax), mineral pigments (iron, copper, manganese oxides) and tempera. Vegetal oils, such as flax, walnut or poppyseed oil were known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks or Romans, but no precise indication of their use in painting may be found. Learn and read more about oils
greek_art | Egypt_art |
Oil paints are one of the great classic media. Although the technique of oil painting, as it is used today (with some modifications), was brought to life in Europe in the 15th century by Jan van Eyck, the art of mixing oils and pigment was around during the Greek civilization. Da Vinci, Titian and then Ruben continued to hone the recipe, each bringing improvements to the technique and formula, with each generation of painters adding to its richness. Learn more about art
A Brief History of Oil Painting
Paintings are the products of a certain time and certain place, and art history naturally attempts to place these works in their larger setting. Anyone studying western art, for example, will learn to recognize the styles of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern periods, and to understand the complex interplay of thought, patronage, society and economic issues that the paintings represent. It is to such an understanding that art critics refer when they insist that art today must engage with contemporary issues.source
Learn more about Oil painting Techniques
The History, Definitions, and Techniques
of Oil Painting
Interested on oil painting want to lear more about oil painting hrere are some useful links...
Wanna learn more?
Free art lessons
Monday, November 21, 2005
Modern Art in New York
Living in New York City, I have the opportunity to visit a few Art Museums. I like modern Art.
If you ever visit New York City. Here are few of the museums, you should try to visit:
Modern Art Modern art is a general term, used for most of the artistic production from the late 19th century until approximately the 1970s. (Recent art production is more often called Contemporary art or Postmodern art). Modern art refers to the then new approach to art where it was no longer important to represent a subject realistically — the invention of photography had made this function of art obsolete. Instead, artists started experimenting with new ways of seeing, with fresh ideas about the nature, materials and functions of art, often moving further towards abstraction.The notion of modern art is closely related to Modernism...
If you ever visit New York City. Here are few of the museums, you should try to visit:
Friday, November 04, 2005
Photography appreciation. ( China's country side)
I do appreciate the arts as well photography, I'm very fun of good picture taken. A good friend of mine have shared these beautiful pictures from her native China. Her country has gorgeous country side. Hope you can appreciate these scenery great shots. You will see how beautiful China's country side is. Thanks to my friend you have the opportunity to see pictures you will rarely see posted on the internet (American's websites). Jiuzhaigou's Delightful scenery, China's fairyland... Enjoy!!!
-----------------------------Jiuzhaigou of Dreams--------------
Jiuzhaigou is a deep valley of stunning natural beauty located in north Sichuan that covers about 620 square kilometers and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1992. The name Jiuzhaigou refers to the 9 Tibetan villages that are situated here. The valley has a wide variety of inspiring scenery that includes lakes, waterfalls, snowy mountains and lush green forests. The lakes, of which there are more than 100, vary in size and shape and sparkle with color in the brilliant sunlight.
Five Colors Pond
jiuzhaigou01 | jiuzhaigou02 |
huaglong01 | huanglong02 |
-----------------------------Jiuzhaigou of Dreams--------------
Jiuzhaigou is a deep valley of stunning natural beauty located in north Sichuan that covers about 620 square kilometers and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1992. The name Jiuzhaigou refers to the 9 Tibetan villages that are situated here. The valley has a wide variety of inspiring scenery that includes lakes, waterfalls, snowy mountains and lush green forests. The lakes, of which there are more than 100, vary in size and shape and sparkle with color in the brilliant sunlight.
Five Colors Pond
jiuzhaigou_clear_water01 | jiuzhaigou_clear_water02 |
jiuzhaigou_clear_water03 | jiuzhaigou_clear_water04 |
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Arts for Transit, MTA New York City!
I have been living in New York City for the last eight years. I haven't really appreciated much the Art there is available on the tunnel of the NYC Subway system. Where noisy trains go fast, where people seen to crowded, every time I go to take the train. I guess the reason I haven't appreciated the Art is 'cause I've paid to much attention to the negative things, I don't like about the subway system in New York City. There are beautiful Art on many trains stations. Just to mention a couple The one on 42th and 86th streets. I like these two, they are petty good. You will find display of the Arts all over the tunnels that make the Subway here in NYC. There are awesome displays, you will enjoy...
42th St Art | 86th St art |
Arts for Transit .presents changing exhibits of photographs in the MTA Network in New York City. eThe photographs are exhibited in four exhibition centers throughout the year.
Grand Central Station.
Artist — Ellen Jaffe
MTA Arts for Transit presents Trainscape, by Ellen Jaffe, an exhibit of photographs taken from the windows of a train.
Source MTA
Sunday, July 31, 2005
What love is?
After chatting with my beautiful friend about these subjects I realized it would be nice to review the meaning of these intriguing subjects. She is very interested on these subjects. Sure why not? I'm posting these entries because of her. Thank you beautiful!
What love is?Definition of love: The word Love is from Old English lufu, connected with Sanskrit lubh, 'to desire' and Latin lubere, 'to please'.

Biblical definition of love: 1 Corithians
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things; believes all things; hopes all things; endures all things.
Love has many meanings in English, from something that gives a little pleasure ("I loved that food") to something one would die for (patriotism, pairbonding). It can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional
state. In ordinary use, it usually refers to interpersonal love. Probably due to its large psychological relevance, love is one of the most common themes in art. The majority of modern movies have a love story and most pop music is about love.
What love is?Definition of love: The word Love is from Old English lufu, connected with Sanskrit lubh, 'to desire' and Latin lubere, 'to please'.
Dictionary's definition of love: Love is a strong liking for someone. It's a strong passionate affection for another person. love01 | love02 |
Biblical definition of love: 1 Corithians
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things; believes all things; hopes all things; endures all things.
love_bears | Blibical_love |
Love has many meanings in English, from something that gives a little pleasure ("I loved that food") to something one would die for (patriotism, pairbonding). It can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional
state. In ordinary use, it usually refers to interpersonal love. Probably due to its large psychological relevance, love is one of the most common themes in art. The majority of modern movies have a love story and most pop music is about love.
lovecard | love03 |
Monday, July 11, 2005
What nature is?
Dedicated to an Austrian princess! Should we talk philosophy? Sure, why not? I have few subjects, I will like to discuss by approaching them from a philosophical perspective...
What Nature is?
Also called the material world, the material universe, the natural world, and the natural universe... is all matter and energy Energy, especially in its essential form. Nature is the subject of scientific study. In scale, "nature" includes everything from the universal to the subatomic. This includes all things animal, plant, and mineral all natural resources and events (hurricanes , tornadoes, earthquakes) It also includes the behaviour of living animals and processes associated with inanimate objects
I would like to share some quotes about nature:
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.
Anne Frank:
The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration
Claude Monet:
Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.
Frank Lloyd Wright:
What Nature is?
Also called the material world, the material universe, the natural world, and the natural universe... is all matter and energy Energy, especially in its essential form. Nature is the subject of scientific study. In scale, "nature" includes everything from the universal to the subatomic. This includes all things animal, plant, and mineral all natural resources and events (hurricanes , tornadoes, earthquakes) It also includes the behaviour of living animals and processes associated with inanimate objects
ourplanet | animaltasha |
berge | insets |
I would like to share some quotes about nature:
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.
Anne Frank:
The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration
Claude Monet:
Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.
Frank Lloyd Wright:
Saturday, June 25, 2005
What Digital Art is?
Today, I was chatting with a nice young lady, I just met. Out of curiosity " What Digital Art is?" She said, I shared my definition. This is the result of this interesting meeting, then, I said to myself, Wow! What a "brilliant idea" for entry blog. Many may be intersting on learning a bit more about Digital Art. This is an interesting subject, besides I'm familiar with it, Why not post an entry to discuss What Digital Art is? This is the general definition I found online:
What Digital Art is?
Branch of the electronic arts that takes place or it is assisted by digital means, like digital painting, digital or digitized photography, modeling, digital video, animation, interactive programs and web pages
Specially I'd like to discuss Digital Painting
Digital Painting; Digital Painting is created on a computer in digital form. The followings are examples of art computer generated as well the use of various software graphic applications were used to create these pieces
What Digital Art is?
Branch of the electronic arts that takes place or it is assisted by digital means, like digital painting, digital or digitized photography, modeling, digital video, animation, interactive programs and web pages
digital_artby jossie fresco | Digital_art by jossie fresco |
portraitby Jossie Fresco | myheartby Jossie Fresco |
Specially I'd like to discuss Digital Painting
Digital Painting; Digital Painting is created on a computer in digital form. The followings are examples of art computer generated as well the use of various software graphic applications were used to create these pieces
Moonstruck | elements |
goldenwave | lookingback |